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當前位置:首頁(yè) > 新聞中心 > 第24屆分析與應用裂解國際研討會(huì )

第24屆分析與應用裂解國際研討會(huì )

更新時(shí)間:2024-05-24      點(diǎn)擊次數:211

第24屆分析與應用裂解國際研討會(huì )

We cordially invite you to attend the 24th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (Pyro2024) that will be held on19–23 May, 2024, in Beijing, China.

The PYRO-series symposiums are well known as a historical scientific and technical conference among the scholars and technical experts working on pyrolysis-related analysis techniques and applied technologies.

Since its first start in 1965 in France, the Pyro2024 will be newly recorded because it is the third international Pyro symposium in an Asian country and first time in China.

After the world’s successful fighting against the Covid- 19 for more than three years, we have now all the necessary conditions for organizing fully onsite symposiums.

Therefore, the local committee is well ready to elaborate an impressive Pyro2024 in Beijing in the coming May, and most warmly welcome the colleagues around the world to take your every possibility to come to Beijing and present in the conference.

地址:北京市豐臺區科興路7號豐臺科創(chuàng )中心401室
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